
Get out of bed.

Have you ever had a real epiphany? That overpowering, liberating sense of something ethereal and barely tenable? If you have, you probably know what real creativity is. That epiphany that you hate, the thought that comes from anonymity and you try and try to figure it out but you can't understand what you did to get it, or deserve it, however you want to put it. Whether or not you believe it, if you know what I'm talking about, something always comes from it. And I have to be vague by saying 'something' because it can be as variable and as any variable gets. 

It's unconventional for me to get out of bed in first quarter of the morning to write about nothing, and the normal part of me would deem doing so illogical. I don't agree. When an enigmatic cloud appears and hovers over your brain, get out of bed and think about it.

We live everyday in normal mode, making normal reactions to normal occurrences that normally happen to normal people. The things we do are normal. I hate this, but most people either realize it and don't acknowledge it, don't know it's happening, or embrace the abnormal. Stop being normal and do something to change yourself. I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm still writing my thoughts. Yeah, maybe I won't learn anything; maybe I'm in my own little world conjecturing for self aggrandizement, but it's better than doing the same thing every single day and night. It's better than thinking my erratic state of mind is just a byproduct of sleep deprivation.

Don't think "Oh great, I'll be spending Friday night alone this weekend." Take advantage of such a great opportunity! Build a freaking bird house, invent a sport, play an instrument you've never touched, read a spanish childrens' book, stay up all night doing something you've never done. Better yet, practice, study, or think about whatever ever it is that interests you until you can't bare to do it anymore. Be insane once in a while. Don't be normal. Be abnormal and love it. Plenty of people live normally.

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